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Close Up of Waterfall in Yoho National Park
Abstract Mountain scene of the Baker Creek in Lake Louise
Book Wall in my Study where my favourite books are arranged by colour

My Favourite Books of 2022 – Mystery & History

Since 2016, I've reviewed what I learned and enjoyed in my reading life. Additionally, I also have a annual challenge of tracking the diversity in authors in my pursuit of advocating for more diversity in publishing. In 2023, I've read around 17,000 pages (according to GoodReads) and 50 books. Here's ...

A photo of Floe Lake with a clear reflection of the mountain in the lake.

Hiking the Rockwall in Kootenay National Park

A scan of my travel notebook, a Seaform green Leuchtturm1917 Hiking the Rockwall. 5 days. Not rushing, soaking it in. In late August, feeling the last weeks of summer sneaking up on us, we set out on a long-awaited hike - the Rockwall, a 55 kilometer journey over 5 days. We didn't know how it ...

A photo of my homemade pottery lamp, lit up at night on a bedside table.

Making a Pottery Table Lamp

Each time I go into pottery class, I give myself a challenge for those 3 hours. My own personal "Pottery Throwdown" - making a pottery table lamp! To fit the space, I knew that it had to be medium size. Additionally, the lamp would have longevity if it was glazed white to go with any décor ...

A photo of Sake carafe and glasses in the pottery student at the underglaze phase.

Memories of Japan – Homemade Sake Set

For the past year, I've been taking wheel throwing classes at my local arts studio. It's been fun to be able to go to class and practice pottery with others. I love exploring on my own but I also love how many new ideas come about when I'm with others pursuing a common goal. In this case, functional ...

Close-up of sketchnotes featuring Growth Zones and Listening Lenses

Sketchnotes – Organizational Anti-Racism Practices

This week, I attended a really thoughtful session through the University of Alberta on Organizational Anti-Racism Practices. The session was created and hosted by Angelique Bulosan and Julian Wilson. Here are the sketchnotes from that session. Sketchnote Explainer Angelique introduced a new ...

Cascade Mountain in Banff with a cotton candy pink and blue sunset behind it

Winter Sunset Linocuts – Art Prints and Cards

One of the things I love about both the prairies and the mountains are the sunsets. They provide me with such solace and hope. One day, I was driving down the QE2 highway between Edmonton and Calgary and I had a brainwave for a set of linocuts. They are one part my prairie upbringing and the other part ...

Watercolour landscape of Baker Lake. Mountains in the background and a river and trees in the foreground.

Baker Lake in Banff National Park

This past summer, we went hiking up to Baker Lake. It's a hiking area near the infamous Skokie Lodge in Banff National Park. Our three day hiking trip started with a challenge - a huge rainfall after 3 weeks of wildfire smoke from B.C. We got 5mm of rain throughout the whole day and everything, ...